
Thursday, January 19, 2017


The goal is to be a stay at home mom by 45 years old, I once told my husband. On one of those days that I wanted to quit my job, not because I don't like it (I love my job!) but I'm just being lazy. My very supportive husband just said, ok. No argument.

A few days later, a clearer mind and a happier mood, I will take it back. I'll work for as long as I can.

At 45, our daughter is only 14. A sophomore in high school. 8 more years before she graduates from college. What if she wanted to be a doctor? Another 4 or 5 years maybe?

I also wanted to travel the world with my Jeng and Indigo - preferably now, while we're younger. Plus, I know there will come a time that our daughter will choose to travel with her friends and cousins instead of us.

So no, I'm very far from the goal.

But maybe, I can be a work-at-home mom by 45. I can still be working and earning, and at the same time spending more quality time with my family. Jeng practically works from home. He's a freelance photographer and more. He works at his own pace. I envy him sometimes. Well, fine, a lot.

Realistically, the goal is to 🎶work, work, work, work, work 🎶 and save. Well honestly, I have been doing these two for as long as I can remember. I must learn how to not-spend-much-on-wants and focus on the needs only. I need to earn extra on the side. Should I bake cookies? Hahaha. Why not?

Well I still have 9.5years before I turn 45. Anything can happen. I might win the lottery, you know? That is when I started betting.

Anyway, happy 2017!

Cheers to the (not so) new year!!

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